Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back in the hospital...

So Monday we went in for our fluid check and it dropped from a 9 to a 5. Pretty big drop. They admitted me Monday morning back up to the Labor and Delivery floor and I will be in here for the duration of pregnancy! So yesterday they started me back on IV drip and steroid shots for developing the baby's lungs a little faster.

This morning we went downstairs for another fluid check and it was still at a level 5 which means the IV fluid didn't help. So after some more tests they found that my placenta is prematurely aging. This causes the fluid to be low- AKA Ogliohydramnios. So me and baby will be in the hospital til he arrives! We will be 34 weeks tomorrow and they're planning on taking him at week 37. He will be considered full term. We both are being monitored daily with lots of tests so any sign of distress on baby he will be delivered sooner! These steroid shots are going to help out a lot with his lung development if anything happens!

I know we're in the best hands right now and being taken well care of! Good Samaritan hospital is awesome! I would definately recommend this hospital to anyone high risk.

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